Thursday, June 21, 2012

Round and Round

As much as I wish I could post a picture of the 'No Soliciting' sign I've made, I'm afraid it would do terrible damage to the polyurethane finish that's not yet dry.  And so, we wait.

I am now considering the best images to put onto pieces of trunk rounds - you know the kind...  Circles of wood with the bark still on the edges.  I have found a few of them at Goodwill and sanded off the *cough* crappy *cough* laminated pictures to reveal the bare wood underneath.  I believe they're all redwood and it burns beautifully!  I did a test by burning my signature onto the back of one.  So now comes the decision...  What to put on them?

I'm thinking landscape scenes...  I could try an old cottage or barn even...  As long as it doesn't include water.  I don't quite have it sorted out in my head of how to do water.  The closest I've come to putting any bodies of water into a wood burning was as part of the background for the Neuschwanstein Castle.

Yeah... That little brighter streak on the right-hand side...  That's a lake.  :)

Maybe with these rounds I'll do some oil painting on them as well...  I've only ever done it for two other wood burnings, and I really liked the result.

I thinned down the paint to make it more transparent.  I think it would look good in a landscape scene...  But then, what do I know?

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