Tuesday, June 26, 2012

For you, two dollars!

So I went in search of a certain kind of plaque...  I want to make long, narrow signs for putting in your home above doorways.  Things like 'Washroom'  'Kitchen'  'Amy's Room' etc.  What I found were pieces of pine at Michaels that ranged in size from 12"x5" to 8"x1".  The strange thing was that, no matter what size you got, they were all two dollars.  Say wha?

So I picked up the largest size and cut the sucker in half.  Voila!  Two signs!  I've now sanded the edges to round the off and will proceed to the decoration of them.

In other news - I've nearly completed the process of sealing the 'No Soliciting' sign with urethane.  The front has received its final coat and tomorrow I'll start on the back.  As far as I know I'll be delivering this one to the purchaser in person.  We'll both be attending the Canterbury Faire in Silverton Oregon next month, so why mail it?

Another project I have in the works is a picture given to me by a friend of his kids when they were little.  I'm hoping to do the picture in its entirety, background and all, for the full effect.  There's no telling when I'll have it done, but it's coming along!

Really, what I'd like is to find time to get a few more pirate related pieces done...  Of course one of my favorites already sold a long time ago...

Too bad I don't have a high res scan of this one. Arrr!

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