Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ready, set, wait!

Wouldn't you know it?  Just when I get done with special orders, and so now have time to do other wonderful things I've been waiting burn, I'm too busy to do anything at all!  I can't complain too much though...  I get to see some good friends, have some wonderful food and then host a party.  Not a bad weekend.  Just not a productive one.  I guess I should count myself lucky that I'm done with special orders in time to do all this other fun stuff! 

I have started to delve into a new idea, though.  I've begun trying out some burning on wooden outlet and light switch covers.  We'll see if it's as cool as I think it will be. :)  I might try doing something extra cool and detailed for my own house first.  Surprisingly I don't actually have any wood burnings on display in my house except the clock. 

Well here's one last shot of summer beauty before fall officially begins.  Enjoy!

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