Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Making a list and checking it four times...

Hard at work on the remainder of the sea turtle.  But since it's just the shell left, I think I'll hold off on more photos until it's complete.  :)

Otherwise it's now time for the mad dash - pulling everything together to take out to Sherwood for the Fantasy Faire this weekend!  I just pray I can get everything we'll need into the two cars we'll have.  My list of what to bring, both for the booth and our campsite, have filled an entire notebook page.

In the booth, along with my wood burnings and oil paintings, there will be hand-made jewelry made by Alesha Jess, Rebecca Furman and Leta Porter.  And of course there will be tons of entertainment at the Faire including jousting knights, madrigal singers, and tribal belly dancers (if my information is correct).

At a Fantasy Faire you can bet you'll be seeing more than a few pirates as well!  I hope they find my artwork to their liking...

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