Monday, June 18, 2012

All's faire in love of vending

It's amazing...  I spend three days in the great outdoors, slaving away to set up my booth and campsite, then work in the hot sun for two days straight, come home absolutely exhausted - and all I can think about is how excited I am to do it all over again next month!

The Sherwood Faire was a success!  Though I didn't sell many wood burnings at the event, I got one confirmed special order and two more possibles.  It's all about the networking and getting your name out there.  But, as is true for most vendors and participants at renaissance faires, you do them because you love them!  Most vendors I've talked to come out even or at barely any profit, but all of us keep coming back year after year.

I must say, though, that one big highlight for me this weekend came from a friend who had a booth right across from me.  She's a fellow belly dancer and she hand-dyes the most beautiful silk veils.  She learned that I only own one silk veil and very insistently told me to go over to her booth and pick one out!  Since we don't get tips when we dance in Corvallis, she said that this way she can at least show her appreciation for my very frequent performances.  WooHoo!!  I love you!  So now, I have in my possession a very beautiful mottled dark purple silk veil!  If nothing else, that made the entire weekend worth it, sales or no.  :)

One of the wood burnings that did sell is shown below.  Goodbye little mouse - I hope you love your new home!

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