Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Plywood Problems

So after a few months of doing wood burning and now adding it permanently to my product line, I realized that I didn't have anything about it on my business cards.  I had ordered 500 cards not long ago, and now, of course, I have to order new ones.  It's just like when you finally break down and order address labels - you move two months later.  Isn't it always the case?

So I though, I'm going to be creative with my cards this time!  I got a piece of extremely thin birch plywood, the kind you can only get in craft stores.  I measured out the right size for a business card and then doubled it.  I then worked on wood burning 'Furry Friend', my most popular ink image, onto the wood as a background and then would ink in my information.  All good in theory.

What birch plywood is not good for - wood burning.  Big surprise.  It's almost as back as basswood.  I worked far too long on this piece, but finally got it to work to my liking!

Then I inked on my info and uploaded the image!  My cards have supposedly shipped, but I haven't seen then yet.  I just hope they get here before my next event!  Never again will I use birch plywood unless Absolutely Necessary!

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