Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Get a Grip

Displaying one plaque is simple enough.  You either hang it on your wall or place it on a tabletop easel.  No problem.  But what about when you have thirty or forty?  This was the problem I encountered when I started to put together enough plaques for a show.  You don't want them all laying down flat on a table, no one would see them.  And to get enough little easels for that many plaques is a bit draining on the checking account.  So what do I do?  I create a custom display.

To hold several plaques of varying sizes and shapes I needed something that would grip the plaques securely, without damaging the wood, and without covering up any of the design.  After a long, arduous search I finally found what I'd been looking for!  It's a clear plastic shelf tag strip.  Normally it would slide on over the front of a wooden shelf and have a space along the front to slide in your shelf tags.  Well I put it face-down and screwed it to a burlap-covered 2x4.  I propped one edge of the 2x4 up on shims to give it a bit of an angle and the plaques are then at the perfect position.

And voila!  The images are visible, the plaques are held securely, and there's no limit to the size or shape of plaque it will hold!
*happy dance*

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