Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Christmas on the brain

I know that for most people it's a little early to think about Christmas.  But for me, it's got to start now!  Wood burning takes quite a bit of time, and if you're wanting something made as a gift, now is the time to order!  All you have to do is email me.  Tell me what you want, what size and way to contact you and I'll get right to work!  Below are some pricing guides:

5x7" - $40
7x9" - $70
8 1/2 x 11" - $100
Custom size & shape - email for a quote

Come November I'll have a selection of pieces for sale at First Alternative Co-op in Corvallis at both locations, 3rd Street as well as 29th. 

I look forward to seeing what you have in mind!

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