Sunday, October 14, 2012


So I found this really cool wood frame that's rustic and natural looking and is deep enough to fit a piece of wood or a canvas.  So now I'm on the hunt for the ideal picture to wood burn and put in this frame.  I've got to choose carefully, though, because it's a 16"x20" piece!  I want it to be able to fit in at any and all shows I do, so I need to choose a subject that appeals to a wide audience. 

I posed that question on Facebook, asking my friends for opinions on what I should burn for this show piece.  I got a lot of really cool ideas... and some interesting ones...  I think the most interesting one was 'A surfing unicorn with a bear on its back holding a shotgun.'  As entertaining as that would be...  I don't think anyone would buy it for the price I'd have to put on such a large piece!  But you never know!

The options I'm most strongly considering are either an animal, probably a horse, or a castle or a forest scene.  I'll do some more research to find a photo that really inspires me and see what I come up with!

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