So I took a chance and tried my hand at drawing dragons again. It's been a really long time since I've done any, mostly because they're a pain, but I've been getting requests for them a lot lately.
See, I would normally just find a photograph of the item I want to do a burning of and go from there. But to do a dragon, you can't just find a photograph. Any and all dragons will come from someone else's artwork, and I don't want to infringe on someone else's copyright. So, if I want to do any dragons, without stepping on another artist's toes, I have to draw my own. And here's what we get...
I added oil paint for the water spray and the drips off of the rocks, tail and talons. What I find funny is that I had Iron Man 2 on in the background while I was drawing this and I realized afterward that the face kind of resembles the Iron Man mask. :) Call it inspiration, right?
So there we have it! I have finally drawn a dragon and immortalized him in a burning. Let's hope I can do it again!
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