Friday, August 24, 2012


I'm going to have to explain to my mother-in-law that just because I made this piece, it doesn't mean we're pregnant.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

No time to waste!

I'm afraid my blogging activity will be a bit scattered for a couple more weeks at least.  My husband is leaving for boot camp on Sept. 4th, and we have SO much to do between now and then!

But I do have a new piece to show you!

I'm attempting to get a few more Renaissance Faire themed pieces done before the Shrewsbury Faire in Kings Valley, OR.  It's coming up faster than I'd like, but I'll make do.
And next on the list is my mother-in-law's birthday present!

Friday, August 17, 2012

High Hopes

So over the weekend I went up to Seattle to perform for the second time with the steampunk band Abney Park.  I belly danced to five songs this time instead of three and got to stay the night at the lead singer's house with him and his wife.  I took the opportunity to tell them about what I do with my artwork.  As I'm explaining it Robert, the lead singer, he's just nodding his head saying things like, "Cool."  I took out my phone to show him the one of Captain Barbosa and "cool" turned into "Holy shit!!"  So now, I have some high hopes about the possibility of doing some pieces for them for things like album covers or posters.  That would be AMAZING!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My apologies for the lack of entries lately.  I spent my weekend in Washington doing belly dance performances and working at a renaissance faire in a hair braiding booth.  It was very hot, a lot of work, and little sleep, but I had to great time!  I even got to go on my first ever train ride!  That turned out to be awesome as well, since I sold the eagle wood burning to the guy sitting next to me.  :)

But now it's back to business!  I've been trying to find time to get some burning done, since I really do need to replenish my stock before my next event.  I've been doing some pieces for wedding gifts lately and so I haven't been able to post those photos yet, but here's one that's not a gift, and therefore to be shared with the world!

U[p next, another knight!  I figure I'd better have at least one on hand if I'm vending at a Renaissance faire.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's all me

So I took a chance and tried my hand at drawing dragons again.  It's been a really long time since I've done any, mostly because they're a pain, but I've been getting requests for them a lot lately.
See, I would normally just find a photograph of the item I want to do a burning of and go from there.  But to do a dragon, you can't just find a photograph.  Any and all dragons will come from someone else's artwork, and I don't want to infringe on someone else's copyright.  So, if I want to do any dragons, without stepping on another artist's toes, I have to draw my own.  And here's what we get...

I added oil paint for the water spray and the drips off of the rocks, tail and talons.  What I find funny is that I had Iron Man 2 on in the background while I was drawing this and I realized afterward that the face kind of resembles the Iron Man mask.  :)  Call it inspiration, right?
So there we have it!  I have finally drawn a dragon and immortalized him in a burning.  Let's hope I can do it again!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Home again

When I first started out I didn't have a good way to seal the wood.  So the first couple dozen that sold were still bare wood.  A friend of mine owns two pieces of my work that were still bare, so she brought them to me to seal with mineral oil like I do for all of my pieces now (except the ones for outdoor signs that get a urethane treatment).  So I finished the wood and even took the opportunity to scan in the pieces for better quality pictures of them.  And boy am I glad I did!

She's a horse person, can you tell?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Double the fun

Why have just one picture, when you can have two at once?

I say, why have a phoenix if there's no flames to go with it?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Keeping Time

It works!  I had to hollow out the back of it quite a bit since the clock workings were meant for a 3/8" thickness, not 3/4", but it works!

I think I may get myself some black paint for the hands so they show up better from a distance...

Now, I need to find out if there are clock workings for 3/4" surfaces before I get any special orders for these things!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tick Tock

Well the clock face was a success!

Now to get the workings to fit...  Grrrrr....